02-Still Breathing
03-Our War
04-Bound And Gagged
05-From Rags To Ruin LINK- http://www.screamingfromthegutter.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=2&func=startdown&id=7
1- PAYBACK hard times
2- STRENGTH APPROACH piece by piece
3- ANTI YOU pig city
4- DIE! Keep jerkin around
5- SMASHISMO pariolo
6- COLOSS musician
7- TO KILL breathing
8- PLAKKAGGIO HC street fight
9- LUCIDA FOLLIA lusso negato
10- TEAR ME DOWN 10-100-1000 aca larentia
11- 4TH SINS parasites
12- THE DIFFERENCE burning sun
13- ALL TRUE respect
14- THINK ABOUT i’m mine
15- SERIAL DRINKERS we got it
16- RAZZAPPARTE ribelli del week end
17- OSS not a good friend
18- EARTH EDGE horror of war
19- TASTE THE FLOOR broken mind
20- REAL SWINGER you’re so plastic
21- BLOOD 77 loyal street
22- DYS ansia
23- DOGZ for once and for all
24- GROWING CONCERN all the same LINK-
1- I4 STEPS DOWN a moment of anger
2- A SIGN FOR SORE EYES as finger rebuild experience
through condensino motion
3- CUBRE the fur and the fùhrer
4- DE CREW useless bearings
5- DIRTY HARRY private inferno
6- ERBACCIA frammenti di pensiero
7- FIFTY YARDS MORE simple perfect
8- FOR I AM BLIND …and face my delusions
9- FUCKINGHAM PALACE a perfect day
10- KEVLAR HC aggression
11- THE LAZY trust
12- MACH 5 passo 7
13- MINNIE’S di questo passo
15- NASHWUAH illegal mind activity
16- NO FACKOLTA temple of ignorance
17- NO MORE FEAR for every one
18- ONE TRUTH raise the roof
19- POINT BREAK class struggle
20- RFT un passo dopo l’altro
21- SEX WILLER respiro latente
22- SHOTGUN FORMATION false parole
23- SPLEENLESS help me
24- STUPID FAMILY sunday
25- THROUGH YOUR SILENCE last promise
26- UNABOMBER correre
27- UNCOLLECTED HARMONY pimpa said biwiwi
28- UNFIGHT ogni giorno LINK-
1- martire
2- stabile noia
3- odio
4- muri
5- essere felici
6- realtà distorta
7- vivere veloce
8- stupro
9- vita
10- morte per profitto
11- educazione imposta
12- dal cuore LINK-
1- no way out
2- street fight
3- fragments of life
4- abisso
5- colleferro
6- macerie
7- il nemico
8- l’araba fenice
9- our generation
10- minds mediocrity
11- non morirà
12- frammenti di vita LINK-
1- intro
2- maestro di sogni
3- dentro di me
4- lontano
5- ff
6- ultimo respiro
7- rugiada
8- il genere umano
9- tutto dentro
10- blu
11- stasi LINK-
1- the outcast song
2- stand your ground
3- better days
4- can’t stop me
5- what they say
6- our roots
7- break your neck
8- get out
9- burn
10- hard times (cro mags) LINK-
1- per vincenzo e marina
2- addio
3- alza la testa
4- me ire por caminos
5- tremate
6- VI round
7- la ballata dei ribelli
8- hasta siempre
9- riot
10- verde irlanda LINK-
1- la tua strada
2- umane abitudini
3- niente sarà come prima
4- chiuso dentro
5- sole nero
6- corrosione LINK-
1-la società dell’ignoranza
2- vi odio tutti
3- parole e morte
4- sangue
5- vogliamo il disarmo
6- soldato
7- distruzione
8- uomo
9- la macchina da guerra americana
10- non cambierà niente
11- no!
12- crimine legale LINK-
1- is this justice?
2- sick of this world
3- lookin’in the eyes
4- loser
5- questa è la via LINK-
1- play with death
2- never ‘n’ nothing
3- rat race
4- yellow paper
5- anthony perkins ‘eyes LINK-
1- guerra tra poveri
2- bruciatamente
3- shit life
4- la sproporzione
5- labirinti di noia
6- il confessionale LINK-
1. Street Justice - Set Against |
2. Face The Facts - Freebase (1) |
3. Do Unto Others - IOD |
4. Hard Times - Withdrawn |
5. World Peace - Human Error |
6. Death In The Womb - Primate |
7. Life Of My Own - Voorhees |
8. Eyes Of Tommorow - Underule |
9. Show No Mercy - Up In Arms |
10. We Gotta Know - Public Disturbance |
11. Down But Not Out - Coexist |
12. It's The Limit - Wank Mags |
13. See The Signs - Divide (1) |
14. Survival On The Streets - DSFA |
15. Days Of Confusion - Ackbar |
16. Malfunction - Stampin' Ground |
17. Don't Tread On Me - Light Of The Morning |
18. By Myself - Step Back |
19. Sign Of The Times - 2000 Strong |
20. Seekers Of The Truth - All Is Lost LINK- http://www.mediafire.com/?2qrr28voyrk6yxi |
1- vendetta
2- il crimine paga
3- anthem
4- giustizia
5- la fine del mondo
6- fire
7- karate kid
8- mi vida loca
9- bloody friends LINK-
1- la tua vita non vale un cazzo
2- noi saremo tutto
3- mi sono rotto i coglioni
4- lavoro LINK-
1- non voltarti mai
2- venti contrari
3- forse migliore
4- dubbio
5- ad alta tensione LINK-
1- intro
2- I listen the smiths but I also listen to Deicide, so what?
3- last night I dream about jeff and athena adopting me
4- behind black shadows
5- toilet newspaper
6- troublemaker
7- I’d like to eat bio but my wage is not enough
8- I chew big babol
9- bologna has a good scene, too bad I live in milano
10- I live to close to my workplace, I cannot listen to all my tapes
11- instead of gettino facial surgery and presenting
to the ballots, take and plane and go fuck yourself
12- save the circlepit
13- DxBxWx! aka the thrash connection continues
14- the not-so-positive song
15- outro- ready to bike
16- thunder in my hands LINK-
1- get down (intro)
2- who’s the guilty one?
3- glass man
4- perfect clone
5- my view of things
6- the night, th street
7- don’t call me friend LINK-
1- ombre
2- padrone dell’aria
3- rocco (campana)
4- madre
5- sgretola
6- veloce
7- senza memoria
8- nonno
9- mattone
10- ostacolarti
11- mastraccumulo
12- nervous breakdown (black flag)
13- canzone d’ammore (live)
14- la banda del trucido LINK-
1- morto dentro
2- carrozzoni
3- silenzio e calma
4- produci
5- milano
6- spaghetti in salsa di piombo
7- solo
8- silenzi negati
9- guinzaglio
10- parole
11- come il vento
12- punto di rottura
13- lupo LINK-